Thursday, July 17, 2008

Layout Evolution 2

I think we may have a winner. I got a call from DDP last night that said we where close, here's the result:

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Layout Evolution

It's kind of cool how a layout starts from one thing and evolves into another, at least for me. Talking to DDP, he wanted to launch all his sites (originally 4) from the same page. So.. I had to come up a design to do that with.

After some back and forth, this is the first version that I came up with:

The YRG image in the middle was a place holder until I got something better. The design went over pretty well though. After a while, the hands in the background and the words where removed because they made it too busy, and a new center picture was taken and sent over to me:

With all that stuff going on it got too busy, so we went back to the drawing board (DDP is GREAT at this stuff, he knows what he wants but he's willing to be flexible).
After playing with it, I came up with Version 6:

I'll post the final version as soon as it's accepted!